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Selecting a Cat

Selecting a Cat: Expert Advice for Choosing Your New Furry Friend

This detailed article on cats is designed to assist you in choosing the right feline companion for you, your family, and your lifestyle. Unlike dogs, cats are generally of similar size and cost approximately the same to feed. However, some longhair breeds require extensive grooming, while others may need more space and freedom. Additionally, certain breeds are known for their vocal tendencies. The article highlights the positive attributes of each breed, while also providing a ‘take heed’ section to caution readers about potential drawbacks.


All cats are intelligent, lovable and companionable. Some are shy, sweet and docile; others are demanding, vocal, active and sometimes exasperating. Read the section on temperament to make sure you choose a cat that the whole family will enjoy.

Body types

There are two extreme body types. One is cobby, low on the leg broad-shouldered, round-headed, personified by the Persian and the Exotic Shorthair. The other is the svelte, lithe, muscular, small-boned, narrow-headed cat, such as the Siamese and Balinese. All other cats are between these two extremes.


Some natural mutations have occurred, which are really deformities but have been perpetuated for long enough to become acceptable (e.g., the tailless Manx) or were considered sufficiently attractive to perpetuate from choice (e.g., the Scottish Fold and the Japanese Bobtail in the USA).

Coat types

There are five basic coat types:

Longhair, between 5 and 15cm (2-6in) long, which must have daily grooming. This type has been around for centuries. Shorthair, which is much easier to groom, but benefits from lots of hand stroking. This is the oldest known coat type. Curly, as in the Devon Rex and the Cornish Rex. (There is also a Si-Rex, which is a Siamese with a curly’ coat.) Such coats have been known since the 1950s. Wirehaired cats were the result of a natural mutation that appeared in 1966.

Hairless cats are thought attractive in Canada but are hard to get elsewhere. They have been bred since the 1960s.

Coat Pattern

Having decided which body and coat type you prefer, you must now choose the coat pattern. The possibilities are:

Self or solid colored, which is the same color from the tips to the roots of the hairs, all over.

Tipped, where the fur nearest the skin is one color and the ends are another color. Lightly tipped cats are known as Chinchillas, medium tipped ones are Shades, and very heavily tipped ones are Smokes.

Tabby includes four different patterns: Classic tabby has clearly defined makings. Mackerel tabby has vertical stripes down the sides; Spotted tabby has broken stripes on each hair.

Van or Piebald pattern is almost white with patches of colors.

Bicolor is white with one other color, in defined proportions. Particolored cats are of more than one color.

Himalayan is a well-known coat pattern; the face (mask), ears, legs and tail are in a contrasting color to the rest of the body. Himalayan-and-white resulted when the white spotting gene was introduced to the Himalayan, and results in white feet. Combination coat is any usual coat pattern with white.

Torbie or Patched tabby is Tabby with Tortoiseshell.


Using today’s knowledge of genetics, we can combine almost any body type with any coat type and any pattern in any color. The basic colors are white, black, blue, red, cream, chocolate, lilac, brown and varying shades of brown. Eye color usually goes with coat color, but breeders can now produce a different eye color almost to order.

Nomenclature and classification

The same cats are known by different names in various parts of the world, so we have used the American name first, followed by the others. Longhair cobby cats are known as ‘Persian‘ in the USA and as ‘Longhair‘ in the UK, and we have called them long time. New breeds have-sometimes been given a new Persian, such as the Colorpoint. Self-colored Persians (Longhairs) are grouped together except the Self-Chocolate and Self-Lilac, which are called Kashmir in the USA, purely because they appeared during the Colorpoint breeding name, although they may have the same standard as the programme.

Other colors that appeared at this time were the Chocolate Tortie and the Lilac-cream (strictly speaking, a Lilac Tortie). All are Persian or Longhair in type, and future generations may well wonder why in some countries these were.

Shorthair cats with Himalayan coat pattern are known throughout the world as Siamese, except in the USA, where the Seal, Blue, Chocolate and Lilac points are Siamese but any other point color is called Colorpoint Shorthair; similarly, in the USA only the Seal, Blue, Chocolate and Lilac longhair Siamese are called Balinese, and other point colors are the others are called Oriental Shorthairs, regardless of coat Also, all the new colors of the Burmese are known as Javanese. In the UK, self-colored Orientals are ‘Foreign’, but all pattern or color; in the USA, all these are Oriental Shorthairs, Malayans in the USA.

There is also a confusion about the names of the colors: what are known as Champagne, Platinum/Lavender and Sable in the USA are known as the genetic colors Chocolate, Lilac and Brown in the UK.

Types of Cats

Cats come in a variety of breeds, each with its own unique characteristics and personality traits. From the affectionate and playful Maine Coon to the elegant and regal Siamese, there’s a cat breed to suit every lifestyle and preference. Whether you prefer the laid-back nature of a Ragdoll or the adventurous spirit of a Bengal, each type of cat brings its own charm and companionship to your home. No matter which breed you choose, you’re sure to find a loving and loyal companion for years to come.

Longhair Cats

  • Persian (Longhair)
  • Peke-faced Persian
  • Ragdoll
  • Colorpoint (Himalayan)
  • Himalayan Hybrids
  • Kashmir
  • Balinese and Javanese
  • Birman
  • Norwegian Forest Cat
  • Maine Coon
  • Angora
  • Turkish
  • Cymric
  • Somali

Shorthair Cats

  • British Shorthair
  • American Shorthair
  • Exotic Shorthair
  • Scottish Fold
  • Manx
  • Japanese Bobtail
  • Siamese
  • Colorpoint Shorthair
  • Snowshoe
  • Havana Brown
  • Oriental Shorthair
  • Ocicat
  • Egyptian Mau
  • Burmese and Malayan
  • Tonkinese
  • Bombay
  • Russian Blue
  • Korat
  • Abyssinian
  • Singapura
  • Rex
  • American Wirehair
  • Sphynx

Hanif Haroon

Hanif Haroon is an insightful blogger who shares valuable knowledge and experiences. Committed to helping others, his posts offer practical advice for everyday challenges. Engage with Hanif's journey of learning and personal growth for tips and inspiration.

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